Lavender is herb with various health benefits. Also, this plant has dazzling fragrance and colour. In this article, we will explain two different recipes to make diy lavender soap. One of these recipes is complex but the other one is easy.
You can use this soap that has various benefits. Also, this soap can be a creative and low cost gift.
We recommend making your own lavender soap because:
This plant will relax you.
It has antiseptic, astringent (tissue contractor), antiviral, and antibacterial properties. It can help healing process of dermatitis, eczema, acne, burns, and blisters.
Lavender is commonly used in cleaning products.
Purple colours gives a unique look.
It has amazing fragrance.
This soft plant is recommended even for babies and children.
You can use lavender to have a nice fragrance in your drawers, and on your bed.
Any type of mould. You can cut the bottom part of a bottle or even use a brick. Avoid aluminium bowls.
Protective goggle to work with caustic.
Hand blender
Glass bowl
Wooden spoon to mix
DIY Lavender Soap Preparation
DIY Lavender Soap Preparation
Let’s first prepare our mould. We will add lavender flower. This way when we take the soap out of the mould, we will see lavender flowers.
Put your protective goggles on, place the glass bowl in the sink, and add caustic in this bowl. Then add pure water. Try to avoid ant spilling and mixing at this order. During this stage, there will be gas. So, wait until the mixture is cool. If you mix these ingredients in front of the window, you can easily ventilate the room.
Add oil to pot and heat in low heat. When the oil is approximately at 40°C, remove from heat, and add caustic carefully and mix with hand blender. Avoid any spilling. Mix until you obtain gel-like consistency.
Then, add 20-30 drops of lavender oil and lavender flower before the mixture cools down. Mix thoroughly.
Pour this mixture into moulds and add more lavender flowers on the mixture.
Cover the mould with cloth until the mixture turns into soap. Wait approximately for 12-24 hours. While waiting do not mix or move the mould.
You can take the soap out when it cools. Keep the soap in clean and dry area and wait for couple of months until it is hard.
If you are happy with the results, next time you can increase the amount of ingredients and make couple of batches. You can also use silicon cake mould.
If you decide to use cake mould, cut the soap after it cools down. Keep distance between soaps and store this way.
You need to be careful while using caustic and keep this ingredient away from children and pets. Always wear protective goggles. You can also use mask and gloves since caustic is a chemical abrasive material. If caustic contacts with your skin, rub that area with vinegar.
A Simple Alternative Homemade Lavender Recipe
If you don’t want complex recipe, we also have this simple diy soap recipe as well.
Take a transparent or colourless glycerine bar. Melt this bar in double boiler and add couple of drops of lavender oil and lavender flower. Pour the mixture to soap mould and let it cool.
This post was last modified on June 17, 2019 12:06 pm