Best Carrier Oils for Perfume



Best carrier oils for perfume; Everyone loves smelling good. But when it comes to selecting perfume, this could be a bit challenging. Finding the fragrance you like might be a problem. Also, all those harmful chemicals inside commercial perfumes are not that health as well. But you can make your own homemade perfume with carrier oils.


There are tons of homemade perfume recipes out there. Most of these recipes use a mixture of vodka and water. Today, I want to create an alternative recipe. I will use carrier oils instead of vodka or water.

What Is Carrier Plant Oil?

Carrier plant oil is a natural oil obtained from plants. These oils are both natural and have amazing benefits to your skin. So, generally these oils are used as a part of skin care routine.

In this recipe, we will turn these amazing oils into a natural DIY perfume.


Also, these carrier oils are used in many other DIY cosmetic products. Since each one of these oils have different properties, you can mix and shake things up as you like. Let’s see our options as carrier oils.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oils is the most popular carrier oil. Although this oil has tons of benefits, it is not a good choice for perfume making. You can use coconut oil when you want to make lip balms, body lotions, or any other product to moisturise your skin.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is liquid at room temperature and this oil is an excellent carrier. So, this will be our best option to make our perfume. When combined with other essential oils, jojoba oil almost loses its own smell and emphasis the smell of essential oils.

Apricot Seed Oil

As an alternative, you can use apricot seed oil as well. This oil has different vitamins to nourish your skin. When you apply apricot seed oil, your skin will get moisturised.

If you want to make a perfume with apricot seed oil, you can use vanilla essential oil. The light smell of apricot seed oil resembles to vanilla essential oil. This way, you can achieve an amazing perfume.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is also another good alternative to make your own perfume. This oil has light smell. So, when combined with essential oils, avocado oil will emphasise the unique fragrance of each essential oil.

Homemade Perfume Ingredients

  • 30 ml of carrier oil*
  • 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of vanilla essential oil
* As carrier oil, you can choose from coconut oil, jojoba oil, apricot seed oil, almond oil or avocado oil. Alternatively, if you don’t have any one of these oils at home, you can use filtered water or vodka. To make your homemade perfume, jojoba oil, apricot seed oil or almond oil will be better options.

Homemade Perfume Preparation


Mix carrier oil (I used jojoba oil), lavender essential oil, and vanilla essential oil in a clean spray bottle.


Keep this mixture in dark and cool place for couple of days.


After this period, your homemade perfume will be ready.

If you are going to use water or vodka instead of one of these carrier oils, you may need to wait longer than couple of days. In case of vodka, 5-7 days will be necessary.

If you are using water, add 1 or 2 table spoons of vodka to increase the effectiveness of your natural perfume. Then, keep the mixture in cold and dry place for about 2 weeks.

Before using your homemade carrier oil perfume, shake the bottle well. This way, all the oils inside the bottle will mix up nicely. You can store your natural DIY perfume for 2 or 3 weeks in dry and cold place.

It is always best to store your perfume in fridge. You can use this homemade carrier perfume like a regular one. Spray some on your wrists and back of your ears and you are good to go.

Can I Have Different Fragrance?

Yes you can. When you are making your DIY homemade perfume, you got all the control. All you need is a bit of imagination. After that, just try new recipes. Instead of jojoba oil, try sweet almond oil as carrier. Or you can use a mixture of apricot seed oil and almond oil.

Instead of lavender essential oil and vanilla essential oil, you can add sandalwood essential oil or orange flower essential oil. These essential oils give the scent and fragrance to your perfume. So, by changing these essential oils, you can make your own perfume.