DIY turmeric mask works great against acne, wrinkles, and dark circles under your eyes. There are tons of creams on the market for these skin problems. But some of those creams are super expensive. Also, if we think of the chemicals in these creams, cheaper and natural turmeric mask is a better option.
How to Make DIY Turmeric Mask?
Although most of the creams on the market have “natural” tag, they still contain chemicals. Please do not believe everything you see on tags. Making your own masks at home is much healthier.
Turmeric mask has other things than creams or lotions in cosmetic stores. You can make amazing turmeric mask at home. In this article, I will give you an amazing recipe to make your own turmeric mask. But before diving into details, I want to explain the benefits of this mask.
Benefits of DIY Turmeric Mask
- This yellow herb has anti-oxidants. It fights against free radicals in skin. This means turmeric eliminates all bacteria that is harmful to skin. It will make skin smooth and perfect.
- Also, it can heal acne, acne scars, and skin scars.
- It can also eliminate wrinkles in time. Especially, it can remove all tiny wrinkles.
- It is also effective on dark circles.
- Antibacterial properties prevents all microbes.
- It will prevent all painful skin problems.
- At home, turmeric mask is generally used with honey, coconut oil, and yogurt.
- It will deeply clean your skin. It will decrease skin rashes.
- Also, it will heal acne and help you to have soft skin.
- When mixed with coconut oil, it will brighten the skin.
- If mixed with yogurt, it will whiten skin and prevent wrinkles. Also, it balanced pH level of skin.
- When used regularly, turmeric mask will help preventing skin problems.
How to Make DIY Turmeric Mask?

DIY Turmeric Mask Ingredients
- 1 tea spoon of honey
- 1 table spoons of yogurt
- 3 tea spoon of turmeric powder
- 1 tea spoon of coconut oil
DIY Turmeric Mask Preparation
Add one table spoon of yogurt in a bowl and add 1 tea spoon of honey.
Then, add 1 tea spoon of coconut oil and mix all ingredients.
Then, add turmeric powder to this mixture and mix all ingredients.
After mixing thoroughly, try to achieve a mud like consistency.
Now, your DIY turmeric mask is ready. Well, how will we apply this mask and what should we be careful about?
How to Use Turmeric Mask
First, wash your face and dry.
Apply DIY turmeric on your face with clean fingers or with make-up brush.
Wait for 15 minutes.
Then, clean your face with warm water.
You can make you skin look perfect when you apply this mask once a week.
Things to Consider
- Try to use Greek yogurt as an ingredient. It will be more effective.
- Before applying this mask on your skin, always wash your hand.
- If you are constantly popping your acne, your skin probably has inflammation. DIY turmeric mask will remove this inflammation in short time.
- If you use a light cleaner with this mask, you will obtain maximum performance.