Here’s Why Skin Gets Dry in Winter



The winter comes with a bunch of amazing things like snow and coffee talks around the fireplace. It can also come with dry skin. That’s thanks to the cool air and lack of moisture. 


Dry skin can affect you year-round, but during colder months, it seems to be more unpleasant (and often painful). It is almost as though the cold wriggles its way through your skin’s cracks and stretches out, causing your skin’s tiny ravines to feel big. 

Equip yourself with knowledge and expertise so that you can fully avoid dry skin by deciphering the less apparent causes of dry skin, particularly during winter.

Here's Why Skin Gets Dry in Winter
Image source: Hello Magazine

Decrease of Humidity Levels

In the fall and winter months, humidity levels decline, which is a contributing factor to the dryness of your skin. Humidity levels are a measure of the air’s water vapor content, and rising humidity provides your skin with hydration in the summer months. 


As the temperatures drop and moisture falls, the levels in hydration of your skin also decline, triggering the first indications of dryness. Your skin works hard to produce extra oil to moisturize as the weather conditions persist, but for certain skin types, it is difficult to catch up.

Low humidity and windy conditions, which are what you are exposed to in winter, increase water loss through the skin. Knowing when to level up on your moisturizing products, starting early to reduce dryness, is the best way to prevent painful dryness.

Indoor Heating

As the temperature drops, the humidity in the air also falls. The use of indoor heating aggravates this. More moisture from the skin is lost to the dry air as the air gets drier. 

A humidifier is useful because it eliminates some of the moisture in the air, so the skin will not be as dry. But in your houses, it’s not just heating that can cause dry skin.

Heated air is usually very dry in your houses, workplaces, and vehicles. The effect is that in reaction to the slower turnover and dryer conditions, your skin thickens (the dead layer stays on longer) and may crack. 

Via direct heat that blows on the skin, water loss is further increased, which is what happens when you turn on heaters in the car and at home.

Here's Why Skin Gets Dry in Winter
Image source: Business Insider

You Are Not Using the Right Products

Your skin does an excellent job of shielding you from the elements. Your skin needs to be stronger, thicker protection from colder temperatures during the winter. Note that in the winter, your skin is important for diverting blood away from the skin to keep our inner bodies warm.

Your skin has different needs when it comes to winter, so you need to satisfy them with the aid of appropriate skin care products. In the wintertime, resort to new alternatives. To help seal in your skin’s moisture, use strong emollients. 

For those suffering from acne, it is a whole different ball game. For acne patients, the wintertime can be extremely difficult, as many acne medications can dry the skin out.

During this time of the year, pick lower acne fighter concentrations such as benzoyl peroxide. You should also inquire about non-irritating, effective prescription choices with your dermatologist.


You now have a bit more information into why the skin gets dry in the winter. Now you can put in place precautionary actions, or put an end to something that can make the skin dry out. 

You can create lovely at home soothing moisturizers to make sure your skin stays soft. And also follow the tips above to make it happen.