What do you use toothpaste for in your house? The obvious answer is that it is used to clean your mouth. well, that may be true but it does a lot more for your mouth than just cleansing alone. For example, you also use toothpaste to whiten your teeth.
The other need for toothpaste is to help prevent oral problems such as halitosis among others. And you, like many other people, probably only get your toothpaste from stores and pharmacies, but you don’t have to.
With just the simple ingredients that you have at home, you can easily make toothpaste. To find out more about how you can do just that and what type of ingredients you need, you should read on.

What Normal Toothpaste Contains
Before you get down to what and how you can make your own toothpaste, you need to get a rough idea of what standard toothpastes contain. One substance that all major brands contain is fluorine.
Fluorine helps with a number of things such as repairing early tooth decay. It also helps with the dental remineralization process. The following ingredients can also be found in a majority of brands.
- Abrasive agents to help remove the built-up stains that your teeth may have formed.
- Detergents to help with the foam, which in turn help with the cleansing action
- Flavoring agents this is just to have each brand with a different taste for their users.
- Glycerol which is there to help the paste to not suffer water loss.
- Peroxides to prevent tooth stains from lingering around.
Normally, you want to buy from companies because they offer you a safe option as some of the ingredients used can be toxic if not combined in the right way.
And in that vein, most users believe major brands have done their testing so that the toothpaste they sell is safe.
Home-made Toothpaste Ingredients
Now, when it comes to doing it yourself, you need some natural ingredients to help you make your toothpaste. These are more or less substitutes for the chemicals that are used in toothpastes on store shelves.
Coconut Essential Oil – your mouth has germs almost all the time, with coconut oil, you’ll be able to fight off infections. It also protects the teeth from cavities, plus it is readily available as the base of the homemade toothpaste.
Sea Salt – you don’t want to have your mouth smelling fresh while it is also a bacteria breeding spot. With sea salt, it possesses alkaline properties that will kill off bacteria in your mouth.
Baking Soda – with baking soda, you have abrasive properties and you also have a chemical that will help with your general oral pH.
These are some of the ingredients that you can add to your paste, but they really aren’t necessary.
Turmeric – if you’re looking to keep your teeth white, you can add turmeric as it carries teeth whitening properties.
Calcium and Magnesium Powder – as these two things help with strength.
Chocolate – Chocolate has been known to carry antibacterial properties which are helpful in the removal of plaque.
How to Prepare
There are a number of ways that you can use to prepare homemade toothpaste – three in fact. And they all contain different ingredients, but all of which are in the above list.
Baking soda, Salt and Water
1 tablespoon of sea salt
1 tablespoon baking soda
2 drops of water
3 drops coconut essential oil
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
2 teaspoons of baking soda
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
10 drops coconut essential oil
Baking Soda and Water
1 teaspoon of baking soda
2 drops of water
1 drop coconut essential oil
Now to prepare each of the above recipes, you need to mix the ingredients to smooth texture. These are, however, the base form of the toothpaste as you can add the extra ingredients if you wish.
When adding, for example, turmeric to whiten your teeth, you need to add a ¼ tsp or so. few sprinkles.

What You Shouldn’t Use
Hydrogen Peroxide
Sodium lauryl sulfate
Artificial ingredients
You can easily make your own toothpaste at home today with these easy-to-find ingredients that will keep your teeth white and maintain oral hygiene.