DIY Hair Mask for Shiny Silky Hair



Are you ready to make a DIY hair mask for shiny silky hair? Recently, I am having a problem with my hair. They look weak and dull. And I really hate it. So, I decided to make a change and make my own recipe to take care of my hair.


This hair mask will make your hair shiny. Also, you can have that silky feeling you have ever wanted. All thanks to coconut oil. I think coconut oil is like a miracle. You can use this amazing oil in almost all recipes. I can easily say that coconut oil is the queen of DIY cosmetics.

Also, I will support coconut oil with shea butter, parsley infused flax oil and essential chamomile oil. Before digging deep with our DIY hair mask for shiny silky hair, let’s first learn how to make parsley infused flax oil.

How to Make Parsley Infused Flax Oil?

Actually, this process needs one step and some waiting. Just place the parsley in flax oil. Keep the oil in cool and dry place for about 2 weeks. And that is it. You have the parsley infused flax oil. Now, you can use this amazing oil in different recipes. But this time we will use it for DIY hair mask for shiny silky hair. You can prepare large amounts if you will use this oil in other recipes.


DIY Hair Mask for Shiny Silky Hair Recipe


  • 4 tablespoons of organic coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of shea butter
  • 2 teaspoons of parsley infused flax oil
  • 3-5 drops of chamomile essential oil


  1. First, you will start by melting both coconut oil and shea butter. For this step, you can use a double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler, I will explain how to melt these ingredients below.
  2. Remove the mixture form heat and add flax oil and chamomile oil.
  3. Mix all the ingredients. At this stage, it is good to use a mixer or blender. You need to whip the mixture.
  4. Transfer this mixture in a clean container. Your DIY hair mask for shiny silky hair is ready.

How to Use Homemade Hair Mask?

It is super easy to use this DIY hair mask for shiny silky hair. Tae couple of tablespoons of the mask. Apply this mask on your dry hair. You can comb your hair. This way, hair mask will evenly distribute on your hair.

After application, wait for 20-30 minutes. Then wash your hair with a shampoo. Apply your conditioner as well.

I Don’t Have Double Boiler, What Can I Do?

If you don’t have double boiler, don’t worry. I will explain another way to melt those oils. So, you will need two pots – one should be smaller than the other. Place the oils in the smaller pot.

Then, add water to the larger pot. You need to fill the half of the large pot. Put the large pot on the heat. And place the small pot inside the large pot.

Here you go. We even made our homemade double boiler. Melt the oils in the small pot. And remove both pots from heat when you are done.