Who doesn’t love manicure? As women, we all love to spoil ourselves. And manicure is the best and easiest way to do this. But, have your ever heard from your beauty experts that you have super hard cuticles? If this is the case, just try this natural homemade cuticle balm cream.
Your cuticles will be softer. And your manicure will no longer be painful.
Actually, cuticle is the upper part of our skin. But generally, it is used to describe the dead skin cells around our nails. While having a manicure, these dead skin cells are removed. But, if you have hard and rough cuticles, it can be painful. And the manicure can be hard to make.
[irp posts=”1888″ name=”Homemade Healing Hand Cream Recipe”]Even though beauty saloons apply moisturiser before the process, you can do more than this. Using regular cuticle balm cream will make your hands softer.
Also, your dead skins will look lees horrible. So, if you skip your manicure appointment, you will not feel that bad.
As in all beauty products, I made my own DIY homemade cuticle balm cream. After using for 2 or 3 weeks, the results are amazing. So, I want to share my own recipe with you.
Homemade Cuticle Balm Cream Ingredients

- 1/4 cup of kokum butter
- 1/4 cup of coconut oil
- 1/4 cup of olive oil
- 1/3 cup of beeswax
- 20 drops of lime essential oil
- 20 drops of mandarin essential oil
Homemade Cuticle Balm Cream Preparation

Add kokum butter, coconut oil, beeswax in the double boiler.
Melt all the ingredients.
Add olive oil and mix all the ingredients.
Add lime essential oil and mandarin essential oil in the mixture.
Pour the mixture in a clean container.
Place the container in the fridge and wait for 15-20 minutes.
Your homemade cuticle balm cream will have the solid consistency you like. If you want to keep this solid consistency, you can store the balm in the fridge. Coconut oil may melt at room temperature. So, when you aren’t using the cream, just keep it in dry and cold place.
Also, if you cannot find kokum butter, you can add shea butter instead. The recipe will be good with kokum butter but remember. You can always play with your DIY recipes.
When you complete the preparation, you can immediately start using this amazing homemade cuticle balm cream. It has amazing moisturising property. Your hands will fell softer than before. Also, your fingernails will look much better.
Eczema Cream Recipe: How to Make Homemade Eczema Cream
You can use this cuticle cream as hand cream as well. Since the ingredients are natural, apply on your hand will cause no problem.
You can play with the recipe above and come up with your own cuticle cream. Adding different essential oils can spice things up. Also, you can add some rose water in this recipe.
This way, excess oil on your hand can be removes with this cuticle cream as well. It is all up to you. But there is one thing for sure. This amazing DIY cuticle balm will work like a miracle and make your hands softer.