3 Amazing Pore Cleansing Mask Recipes



Pollution around us makes our pores get clogged. So, we need to clean them to avoid skin problems. Here, I will give you 3 amazing pore cleansing mask recipes. All ingredients in these masks are super easy to find. You probably have most of them in your kitchen. And it will take less than 5 minutes to make your own pore cleansing mask.


In the past, I used to buy all those commercial products. And that included masks as well. But when I discovered that these commercial products have tons of harmful chemicals, I decided to make my own recipes. So, I did a bit research. And I played with some of the ingredients I found in my kitchen. The results are amazing.

Why Do We Need to Clean Our Pores?

If we don’t clean our pores, we can have skin problems. One of the most common problem is acne. Acne can really hurt your skin. And if you do not fight against acne at the beginning, you might spend tons of money to clean the after effects like acne scar.

Also, cleaning your pores will give you brighter and healthier look. Your skin colour will look more even. And you will naturally look younger when you have smoother skin. You can always make your own DIY pore cleansing mask.


Wheat and Lemon Pore Cleansing Mask


  • ½ cup of warm water
  • 3 table spoons of flour
  • Juice of half a lemon


Mix all the ingredients in a clean cup. You need to obtain a paste like mixture. Apply this mixture as a thin layer. Wait for 20 minutes or until the mask is dry.

Try to relax while waiting. Wash your face with cold water. Apply a moisturiser to sooth your skin. Lemon will help your pores to look smaller. Also, lemon is an amazing ingredients to clean your skin. You can use this mask twice a week.

Aloe Vera and Orange Pore Cleansing Mask


  • 1 medium size orange
  • 1 table spoon of Aloe Vera


First, you need to squeeze orange juice. After than you need to extract gel from Aloe Vera plant. To do that, cut the tip of the plant. Press to the plant and extract the gel.

Combine orange juice and Aloe Vera gel in a cup. Apply this mixture on your face by using cotton pads. Make a thin layer on your face.

Wait for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face with cold water. Aloe Vera will sooth your skin while orange juice cleans your pores.

Egg White and Carbonate Pore Cleansing Mask


  • ½ cup of milk
  • 1 table spoon of carbonate
  • 1 egg white


Warm the milk at low heat. Add egg white and carbonate to milk. Mix all the ingredients. Apply this mixture on your face. Since this mixture is liquid, you might want to use cotton pads to apply it on your face.

Make a thin layer on your face and massage your skin with gentle circular motions. Wait for 15 minutes. Wash you face with cold water.

Since this recipe has egg, you must wash your face with cold water. Otherwise, egg will stick to your face. It is super hard to clean egg with warm water.

Tips for Pore Cleansing Mask

After applying one of these masks, you need to complete your skin care with an adequate moisturiser. Different ingredients will make your pores tighter. But when you apply moisturiser, your skin will absorb all the benefits of these ingredients.

Also, when you are using lemon juice in your recipe, you need to be careful about one thing. Lemon juice can interact with sun. This means you must avoid using lemon juice during day. It is better to apply any homemade product with lemon at night.

Another tip for DIY pore cleansing mask is it is better to prepare small portions. It is always better to use fresh ingredients. So, when you are making a mask, just make it for that day. Of course you might have some excess mask in your hand. In this case, you can store your mask in fridge. Generally, you can store them for about 1 week.