Lots of people are experiencing hairiness on their face. Of course, natural and healthy way to eliminate these undesired hair on face is herbal remedies. Natural Turmeric Cure for Facial Hair recipe to remove undesired hair on your face is on diycosmetics.net.
Turmeric for facial hair: For a long time, I have been receiving questions about this topic. Actually, this alone shows how many people are experiencing facial hair problem.
Of course, although waxing, epilation, and laser are among some methods to remove these hair, these methods can also harm the skin.
Before diving into these methods, I believe that it is important to look for what is causing excessive hair growth on face. Generally, this problem is hereditary. However, stress, hormonal imbalance in women, menopause, certain medication, and ovarian cyst may also cause abnormal hair growth.
Of course, there is a solution for facal hair. But before getting into details of this solution, I want to make a few warnings.
Although recipes given here or another website (except doctor recommendations) are natural, since everyone has different skin type, you may experience unexpected situations like allergy, irritation etc.
Therefore, if you want to avoid any undesired results, try the recipe on a small area.
Now, let’s talk about turmeric cure for facial hair that will help you to fight with undesired hair.
Turmeric For Facial Hair Recipe

This cure that provides a type of natural epilation is one of the oldest and most popular hair removal methods. So, I want to talk about this cure first.
Here, you can prepare turmeric cure with milk or water. Since milk balances moisture in skin, it is preferred more. All you need is 2 table spoons of turmeric powder and milk to make a paste.
Add turmeric powder in a bowl and slowly add the milk. You will need approximately 2 table spoons of milk. We want to achieve a paste consistency.
So, you can increase or decrease the milk ratio. When you have the consistency you like, apply the mixture on your face. Wait for 15-20 minutes and rinse your face with cold water.
When you apply this cure, you will not have instant smooth skin like waxing or other methods. This natural cure will weaken hair roots over time and prevent new hair growth.
You need to regularly and patiently apply this cure. You can apply this cure twice a week and 3-4 times per week if you have serious facial hair problems and your skin hasn’t irritated.