Check Out These Home Remedies for Hypersalivation



Your salivary glands release more saliva than average during hypersalivation. If the extra saliva starts collecting, it can accidentally begin to leak out of your mouth. Babies aside, drooling can be a symptom of an underlying disorder.


Hypersalivation, depending on the cause, can be temporary or chronic. If you’re dealing with an infection, for instance, your mouth can produce more saliva to help flush the bacteria out. If the disease has been successfully treated, hypersalivation ceases typically. 

Constant hypersalivation (sialorrhea) also refers to an underlying disorder that affects the regulation of muscles. This may be a symptom that occurs later or a sign that precedes diagnosis. Up next are home remedies for hypersalivation.

Check Out These Home Remedies for Hypersalivation
Image Source: Healthline

Causes of Transient Hypersalivation

Generally, transient hypersalivation is caused by the following. 


Pregnant women will usually see a decline in their hypersalivation after childbirth. 

Causes of Constant Hypersalivation

Constant hypersalivation is typically induced by chronic health problems influencing the function of muscles. 

It can impact your ability to swallow when you have impaired muscle function, contributing to saliva accumulation. This can arise from the following. 

Symptom control is critical when the cause is chronic. Hypersalivation can impact your ability to talk clearly or swallow food and drink without swallowing when left untreated.


The aim of diagnosing hypersalivation is to determine the underlying cause and then prescribe the best treatment possible for each affected person. 

As some of the possible reasons for hypersalivation have serious complications, a diagnosis is critical. After discussing your symptoms, your doctor may be able to diagnose you with hypersalivation. 

To know the underlying cause, testing may be needed. Your doctor may check the inside of your mouth after going over your medical history to check for other symptoms. 

Your doctor may use the scale system to determine how severe your sialorrhea is if you have already been diagnosed with a chronic condition. This will assist your doctor in evaluating which choices for care could be right for you.

Home Remedies

Before sleeping, drinking a glass of water and chewing on a lemon wedge will eliminate drooling. To prevent the accumulation of saliva in the mouth, make sure that you sleep on your back. 

You can also take a hot steam to open a blocked nose before bed. This will help you breathe through your nose instead of your mouth, which will prevent drooling. 

If your doctor believes that your symptoms are at the root of a cavity or infection, they might refer you to a dentist. The dentist can provide you proper dental and oral hygiene information. 

For instance, regular brushing can help reduce inflammation of the gum and mouth discomfort. Brushing can have a drying effect on the mouth as well. You will also find it helpful to follow up with an alcohol-based mouthwash.

Therapy & Medication

The treatment can include specific therapies, medicines, and home remedies, depending on the trigger. Surgery can be considered in severe cases. 

Therapy can involve changing actions and speech therapy. People who experience hypersalivation can benefit from posture and head control assistance. They will also practice lip closure strategies, improved control of the tongue, and swallowing. 

The purpose of hypersalivation medication is to decrease the development of salvia. It has various side effects, including drowsiness, restlessness, irritability, urinary retention, constipation, and flushing.

A beta-blocker or botulinum toxin (Botox) can also be a treatment.

Check Out These Home Remedies for Hypersalivation
Image Source: Boldsky


Some causes of hypersalivation can clear up over time through home remedies. Pregnancy, anxiety, and minor injuries are among such factors. More severe medical problems like neurological causes and nerve disorders need medication.