Natural Homemade Toothpaste Recipe



What do commercial products have?

  • Fluoride:
  • Abrasives:
  • Detergents:
  • Humectant:
  • Stabiliser:
  • Preservatives:
  • Aroma:
  • Sweetening Agent
  • Dye:

Let’s check Reading Toothpaste Labels and Ingredients of Toothpaste to see the negative effects of these substances.

All Toothpaste Recipes: DIY Toothpaste Recipes

What does our natural toothpaste have?

  • Abrasive:  5 full table spoons of calcium carbonate
  • Mild anti-septic/Anti-odour: 1 full tea spoon of sodium bicarbonate (carbonate)
  • 2-3 table spoons of drinking water
  • Anti-humid material:  3-4 table spoons of plant glycerine
  • Sweetener: 1 tea spoon Stevia powder
  • Odour/Aroma: 10 drops of volatile oil (for the mint taste and smell of the toothpaste. I am choosing mint oil)

Homemade Toothpaste Preparation:

Before starting to perpetrate the recipes, don’t forget to check I Have Warned You…

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1Mix calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate in a bowl.

Homemade Toothpaste


2Add glycerine (you may change the measurements to achieve the desired stiffness)

3Add stevia powder and mint oil. Take the mixture to a suitable cup.

Homemade Toothpaste

How to Use:

You can use it like a normal toothpaste. Apply small amount of the paste on the brush, brush your teeth, and rinse it off.


  • When I told this recipe to my dentist, he advised me to research the abrasive effect of sodium bicarbonate on tooth enamel. Based on Abrasiveness index, since 0-70 range is accepted as “mild abrasive, sodium bicarbonate has the value of 7. Most of the toothpaste on the market is more abrasive than carbonate.
  • You need to keep sodium bicarbonate away from aluminium cups.

If you are saying that “homemade toothpaste is not my thing”:

  • If we assume that you brush your teeth twice a day, trying this recipe at least once a day (for example at night) will reduce your toothpaste consumption.
  • You may choose to buy ecological toothpaste on the market.
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